
齐鲁晚报:2021-3-31 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准众及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ...


与中国驻韩国经商参处陈洲公使衔经济商务参赞访谈 ...:2021-4-9 · 与中国驻韩国经商参处陈洲公使衔经济商务参赞访谈记录 文章来源: 文章类型: 内容分类: 【主持人】: 您好,大家非常关心中韩两国双边的经贸情况,请您介绍一下这方面的情况?


Using blacks and dark grey for the stars meant that the fabric we used as the background could have more color and interest in it.   The stars were going to stand out against just about anything we threw at them… so we went fussy cut, novelty print crazy.  The background does make for a good game of I spy.


当伕文学:在海外展示中国文化和魅力的窗口-中工文化-中工网:2021-11-15 · 网络文学出海,会成为中国的“新文化现象”吗(图) 网络文学走过20年 全民写作、全民阅读成为文化现象 中国文学在全球的“能见度”不断提升 中国文学走向世界多少“密码”待解 Z世伕加速“占领”网络 …

(1) double check that they read low volume…. I do this using the mono chrome setting on my phone camera.  Some low volumes can be deceiving and are tonally much darker than they appear.

(2) check that the print does not interfere or intersect with the foreground or main fabric.  I have had this happen when the low volume print have had a strong print with the same color in it as my foreground fabric (this is why the black and white prints could be problematic with this quilt).


Because of the structure of this block you have a bit of built in negative space to play with.  The block uses 3 1/2 inch squares, so one side of the block is just negative space (you can find the directions for the block here)…


Scrappy wonky Star 12 inch block

This allows you to play with the layout of the stars on the finished quilt.  The layout can be uniformed or more off grid, like I did.

quilt detail

I must admit I loved the randomness of the star layout in this top… I think it gets your eye moving around the quilt in interesting ways.

As always this quilt is heading out into the world to do some good… at our local Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.  So many hands help make this beauty and I am constantly reminded how many good people there are out there in the world, trying to make a difference.

Quilt Details:

Block:    12 inch off set wonky star
Fabric:   Scraps and more scraps
Size:       60″ x 60″

do good stitches quilt, kids quilt, modern quilt, quilting, scrap quilt, wonky star block, 旋风网络加速器介绍 23 Comments


高端智造一路向西追逐发展红利 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-26 · 记者采访了解到,在西部地区,特别是在中国向西开放最前沿的新疆,近年来搭乘“一带一路”倡议“春风”,发展红利持续释放,工业转型升级步伐明显加快,制造业产业结构不断向智能化升级,并成为吸引内地企业前来投资兴业的“热土”。

color bear paw

I went with a simple Bear paw section… I have a ton of little scraps and this seemed like a great way to use some of my precious little bits… I have decided to do the block in two sizes – 6 inches and 9 inches…

finished blocks

And I worked out a way to make both sized blocks at the same time… so here goes….

fabric requirments

Cutting Instructions:

Background fabric (we are using low volume or white on white):
5 (five) x 3 1/2 inch squares
1 (one) x 2 1/2 inch square

Colored fabric (we are using bright primary colors):
8 (eight) x 3 1/2 inch squares of various prints
4 (four) x 2 1/2 inch squares of various prints


Step one:

上网新技能get:桌面浏览器八大实用功能盘点 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-21 · 5 、免费Wifi网络共享 有人说生存的三要素是空气、水和Wifi,接下来小编就要给大家隆重介绍一个让人惊喜不已的浏览器功能——免费Wifi共享。

The remaining four 3 1/2 inch squares will make the half square triangles (HST).

Step two:  Make the HSTs.

mark fabric


Mark a line down the center of the back side of your background fabric, going corner to corner.

Then mark another line 1/2 inch from that line.  These two marks are your sew lines – you will be sewing directly down these lines.



cut hst


Cut down the middle of your sew lines… you are actually cutting 1/4 inch from the center line.  You now have your two HST components.

Press your HSTs (I usually press my seams open).




trim hst Trim each of the HST components .  

Your 3 1/2 inch HST will not need much trimming (it should be almost perfect).

There is a bit of wiggle room with your 2 1/2 inch HST so you will have a little bit to trim off.


Remember to use the center diagonal line of your ruler to make sure you are trimming straight.

Step Three:  Sew it all together.



Sew your block sections together in rows.

中段加速更快 试驾新款凯迪拉克SRX 3.6_头条_新民网:2021-3-13 · 中段加速更快 试驾新款凯迪拉克SRX 3.6 登微博发爆料,最高奖500元 登录 注册 今日空气质量 ... 空间体验及天窗、行李厢介绍 空间表现与老款完全一样,在同级别车型中属于平均水平,身 …

iron seams


Then sew your rows together to make your blocks… and trim as needed to the finished size.

Just for fun I have made a couple of tiny versions of this block…

3 inch bear paw. Scrap quilt block

This block finishes at 3 1/2 inches… all the bits are 1 1/2 inches which is a little crazy but also kind of fun.  I have been having a blast finding little bits to fussy cut at this size.

I am having a blast with this project.  I have actual work sewing to do and I do not want to do it… all I want to do is cut my scraps up into little bits and play.

bear paw quilt block, charity quilts, do good stitches quilt, pattern, quilt block tutorial, quilting, scrap quilt 16 Comments


This weeks game of catch up involves a lovely little scrap quilt I made last year…

Irish chain quilt. Scrap quilt. Modern quilt.

The pattern is an Irish Chain variation and I had a blast using all the little bits of blue scraps I had accumulated…and it was surprising how many little bits I had.

quilt detail 2

I used 2 1/2 inch squares for the nine patch block… lots of little bits from mini charm packs I had accumulate over time… and the snowball block started as a 6 1/2 inch square of low volume blues & white prints.

quilt detail 3

Again I was surprised by how many of those I had in my stash.  It always surprises me when I get an idea in my head and then find everything I need in my stash…. though sometimes it disappoints me too as I loose my excuse to pick upnbnew fabric when my stash provides.

quilt back

The back of the quilt was also from my stash.  Awhile ago I picked up a few yards of this wonderful Laura Ashley print at a Thrift store.  I do not often thrift my fabric but I could. not leave this fun print behind…. and as all the quilts are washed before donating I was not worried about using it as a back.

quilt holder

This was actually the last shot of an afternoon of quilt photography.  Mr Wombat was such a good sport… patiently humoring me as I drove around the neighborhood looking for fun quilt locations.  I think sometimes he misses the days when I used to just hang the quilts on the back fence!

Quilt Details

Size:  42 x 54 inches
Pattern:  Irish Chain variation
Fabric:  Mini charm squares and scraps.

Charity quilt, Irish chain quilt, quilting, scrap quilt 20 Comments


Last year I attempted to take part in the 100 days 100 blocks quilt along. I started out strong posting 4 blocks on four consecutive days on Instagram then life got in the way…

100 block 1

当伕文学:在海外展示中国文化和魅力的窗口-中工文化-中工网:2021-11-15 · 网络文学出海,会成为中国的“新文化现象”吗(图) 网络文学走过20年 全民写作、全民阅读成为文化现象 中国文学在全球的“能见度”不断提升 中国文学走向世界多少“密码”待解 Z世伕加速“占领”网络 …

block 29

【兵器】与俄海军唯一航母同赴远海演练的“黑鲨”_军事_新民网:2021-10-14 · 据俄罗斯《国家之翼》杂志介绍,卡-52K两侧的短机翼共有4个挂架,每个挂架的极限载荷是500千克,可携带各类导弹、火箭弹和航空炸弹乃至副油箱。通常情况下,卡-52K的机翼外侧挂架会挂载6枚“旋风”反坦克导弹,机翼内侧挂架会挂载S-8式80毫米火箭巢。

block 12

I have made a quilt using Tula Pink’s 100 Blocks book before.  I did not make all the blocks the first time and it was the same this time…


科技+商业双驱动 苏宁数字化赋能门店发展新价值-3C焦点-华龙网:2021-11-26 · 华龙网-新重庆客户端11月26日18时25分讯(通讯员 谭松)11月21日,第五届中国生活服务业大会在山东泰安隆重举行,苏宁科技集团O2O平台研发中心总经理许宏平受邀出席会议,结合苏宁门店数字化发展历程众及家乐福和苏宁智慧无人店4.0数字化 ...

block 13

But since the quilt along finished I have been making a block here and there….

block 11

让年轻人放马驰骋“双创”新天地-国际在线 - CRI:2021-5-22 · 5月的一场初雨,让位于珠海高新区的南方软件园更加郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃。而5月4日至5日,由中国电子在这里举办的一场主题为“智创、匠心”的“i+”创新创效创意大赛,如同刮起一股头脑风暴的旋风,


只剩下门缝的VPN何去何从 - 手机新蓝网:2021-2-7 · 中国网络空间战略研究所所长秦安也为“防火长城”指出,事关网络空间主权,中国当然不能对这些服务视而不见。 有公安局网警透露,对于使用者来说,如果只是浏览没有不良信息的网页,一般不会被追究责任;如果是复制扩散有违法内容的帖子,一旦被查获,将承担相应的法律责任。

block 23

I put them somewhere safe and I can not find them…


荣县 “泥腿子漫画家”12幅漫画图说反腐信号- 四川新闻网 ...:2021-11-6 · 四川新闻网自贡11月6日讯(蒋兵 李世洪)党的十九大胜利召开,荣县吴老故居双石镇的一群“泥腿子漫画家”便忙起来了,他伔正在围绕十九大精神精心创作12副反腐信号系列漫画作品。为了让漫画作品更能准确、生动、形象,11月2日,荣县纪委的同志还专程赶到双石镇金台村,与7名农民漫画家 ...

block 26

and my stash and bits had to be hauled out of the spare bedroom…

block 22

I think this may be the one and only QAL I do… it will take an extra ordinary project to make me want to repeat this experience…

block 15

How do you feel about quilting along?  Have you done any?  What was your experience? Any tips?

modern quilt block, 旋风加速器怎么样, quilt along, 旋风网络加速器介绍, samples, Tula Pink 100 blocks 24 Comments


Avoiding blogging… I am not sure why I am finding it so hard to get into the rhythm of blogging again but I really am.  I have had photos that I have wanted to post since Summer and I have just found every excuse I could to just not post…. until today.

Today I got a lovely note from someone who follows my blog who was just checking in with me to see if I was okay.  I had kind of forgotten that people liked my quilts and missed my posts.  I had convinced myself that no one really was missing my blog in the sea of things to do/read/look at.  It was a nice reminder that there are a few people out there who like what I do.

So without further… for the Sandra’s out there… here is a quilt I made last year that I have been meaning to share…

find the quilt

This quilt was a store sample that I made for Modern Domestic from Elizabeth Hartman’s fabric and pattern.

Potted plant quilt

I do not usually post photos of my store samples but I loved this quilt.  It was so easy to put together and turned out better than I could have hoped…

plant detail

The plants are darling and such a fun idea.  The quilt did get me into a little bit of trouble as I kept talking about the “pot plant” quilt.   Now where I come from a pot plant is a potted plant… a plant in a pot.  Unfortunately I realized too late that in Portland it meant something a little different…. everyone thought I was taking about a Pot plant (aka. a marijuana plant)… whoops.

quilting detail

Things really did get lost in translation with this one.  What did not get lost on this quilt is the amazing quilting that my colleague Lane did on this piece.  He used the store’s Bernina Q20 and did some amazing ruler work on this piece.  This was one of his early pieces as he was learning to use the long arm machines.  If this was one of his first quilts you can imagine what his quilting is like now.  He is a natural… and I am only a little jealous of his quilting skills.

pot plant quilt

I make all my store samples with everyone involved knowing that they will end up at the local hospital’s PICU.  I hope the kid that gets this quilt loves it as much as I do.

Quilt Details

Quilt Size:  44 x 44
Pattern:   Green House by Elizabeth Hartman
Fabric:  Terranium by Robert Kaufman

Charity quilt, Elizabeth Hartman quilt, potted plant quilt, quilting 52 Comments